Thursday, February 25, 2016

Follow along!

Hey Friends!

Well, I've done it. I've officially started a Instagram account and I have to tell you, I'm loving it!
I didn't expect to love it so much, in fact I was expecting a photo world of selfies and insignificant posts. However, it's quickly becoming a new favorite haven! So much inspiration and a wonderful way to connect with people who share the same interests!

I'd love it if you came and followed along for this crazy journey we call life!
You can find me @shields_hannah that's where I'll be posting photos that combine all my passions and show a glimpse into my life. If you've enjoyed what you've read here on Timeless Treasures, then you'll definitely want to follow along on Instagram for more inspiration!


Saturday, February 20, 2016

40 days

Today begins a 40 day journey for me. I'm calling it my 40 days of purposing to be purposeful. It goes back to my January challenge and the words I feel like I was given for this year. "Purpose" & "Purposeful"

There's really no structured plan for these 40 days. Just a challenge within a time-frame (I leave on a trip on the 30th of March so it ends just in time) to be a better version of who I am. Who I am in Christ and who I aspire to be in my future. My prayer is that I will grow to aspire only the things of the Lord. 

I've tried structured plans, I've tried schedules and although I love schedules, I wanted to do something a little less formal this time around.
My challenge simply is to live each day with purpose. To do better for myself spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
Sharing more smiles with strangers, reaching out a helpful hand, watching what I eat, waking up with a positive attitude and having purposeful devotions.

Keep watch here on Timeless Treasures to catch some of my journey. I don't imagine I'll be sharing everyday but I'll definitely share the highlights!!

What are you challenging yourself with?

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Good Morning

Good morning friends!

I'm snuggled on the couch, with the smell of breakfast tickling my nose and the morning sunlight streaming through the windows.
Not only does this good morning make me wish Summer were here, it has caused me to reflect on choosing the right attitude for the day.

This morning I've been reflecting on how we have the power to choose our attitudes and responses.
I feel like I needed to remind myself of this today, as I am not sure how my day may end up. There's a chance someone may have taken my card and has been using it, the possibility came as a shock to me yesterday.

Yesterday I let this worry get to me although there was nothing I could do...but worry. As we know, that doesn't usually help much!
It's my commitment at the moment to live today with a positive and surrendered attitude.

What's your commitment for your day?

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Sweet Thoughts

Happy Valentines Day weekend!

What could be better then sweet cupcakes, pink frosting and a nice cup of coffee?

The thought that inspired me this morning is the quote that reads...

"God does not give us what we can handle,
He helps us handle what we have been given."

I think how often this has proven true in my own life as situations and circumstances have come through my path that haven't been easy.
God has always helped me through each time though, giving strength and light to shine the way.

How sweet the thought is, that no matter what life has in store for us God is always right there to help us handle it.
I can't think of a sweeter valentines gift then to know that God helps us handle all we are given to handle. 

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Create Beautiful Things

On of my very favorite pastimes is embroidering. For me it's a calm, relaxing and completely enjoyable hobby.

I love the art of pulling floss through fabric in even stitches and making a beautiful pattern. I love to see a blank canvas become a piece of what I consider art.

For as long as I can remember I have been inspired by a good number of things to do different embroideries! Sometimes I trace a pattern on my fabric, other times I make completely new designs and create the patterns myself.
Whatever the case, it's a pastime that never gets old.

Today I created tote bags for a conference I'm attending in April. This conference is for Christian creative woman, so naturally I went with the creative mindset!
I purchased these bags, printed and traced my verbiage and got to work embroidering.

I love this bag, it will work great for my books I'll be bringing to the conference :)

Here's to all the creatives out there, we are a special force indeed!!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Pause & See

Have you ever paused during a busy day just to see? To see the moment.
While you were cleaning up the breakfast your child left all over his face, the table and floor, did you pause to see what he looked like covered in oatmeal? Did you notice if he was smiling or not?

The time you were in a rush and had a long line in front of you at the grocery store and someone let you go before them, did you pause to see who it was? Will you remember her face at least for the day? Was it a fellow mother who happened to have a little more time then you that day?

Recently while helping my younger brother pick a suit for a wedding and hurrying him up, and paused and realized that I was actually enjoying our time! His hilarious comments, "ideas" of style and modeling was so much fun! I caught myself laughing and enjoying the time after taking a short pause.
During my paused moment I took advantage of a long mirror nearby and realized that my outfit was really working for me that day! It may sound silly, perhaps embarrassing to even mention but truth is had I not paused for a moment I may not have really noticed my outfit on that rushed day.

It's worth pausing during a busy day. Yes, even the morning you were up with the baby all night and woke up late to get the kids to school, so you throw on yoga pants, an oversized t-short, throw your hair up and not worry about make-up. Get those kids to school and then pause and take a look at yourself, you look beautiful! And did you notice your little girl's school outfit she chose herself? It was a little purple dress, mid-matched socks and uneven pigtails, but she looked beautiful too!

You may live a full and busy life, but I promise you live a beautiful life, you just have to pause and notice.

PS Sorry for the poor picture quality!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

January in review

It's hard to believe a whole month of 2016 has come and gone. It was a very full month for me, with much going on.

January was not only filled with weddings, work, family, and some fun times with friends! It was also a harder month for me, lots of emotions to work through and feelings to surround to the Lord.
Among a number of other things, January 2nd marked 1 & 1/2 years since my Dad passed away. This milestone has hit me hardest last year when it marked6 months and again this year.
I found myself just days after the new year, weeping in our Church restroom and eventually sitting in the vehicle during service.
It's hard to imagine how the pain can come back in a raw way and at such intensity in just an instant.

On a little brighter side, I've had a really good month business wise. Made new contacts, had a great time with a vendor at a get together, scheduled an event I've been envisioning for years, had a lot of conversation on my local wedding vendors group and scheduled a few coffee dates coming up!
Something I've learned this month and am challenging to take into action is to enjoy the journey. For a long time now I have been focused on the future, stressing over things that simply are yet to come for my business. I am challenging myself to look for ways to grow at the stages I am at and to find the beauty in those stages! The future always plays itself out.

On a personal note, I have learned a lot about myself and continue to work through some struggles I've faced this month.
Something I was counting on doing and was able to get done was booking airline tickets for my trip in April!! Can't begin to describe how excited I am!
I didn't post quite as much as I had hoped to but the whole goal for this blog is to have a place to stop and enjoy the moment and write when I feel the need an the words flowing. There isn't a set schedule or goal for a certain amount of posts, it comes when the moments come!

On to February! Looking forward to a great month and can't wait to see what my February in review post will contain!!