Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Pursuit Conference 2016

This April I was blessed to attend the Pursuit Community Conference in Rome Georgia!

I'm not going to lie, it was quite a challenging trip but God was definitely in the center of it at Pursuit.
This amazing conference had many gifted, talented and creative woman share their stories, faith and passions.
Everything from the talks, to the worship, to the community of women, was brought together by God!

I had an experience I will never forget and can't wait until the next Pursuit for event!


Friday, May 20, 2016

hey world.

I know, where have I been right?
Like everyone else, I've been around just really...oh what's the number one excuse in our world today? BUSY! Yes that's it, I've been very busy!
To some extent that is an excuse I suppose because I do believe we can all find the time we need to do the things we truly love. However, Summer is in just about in full swing around here and all Alaskans get to play the busy card for a few months! 

I have so much to catch up on though, since my trip in March/April it's been nonstop.
I'm looking forward to getting some posts out soon to catch you up on my life. For the time being though, my business continues as I am off to deep clean the garage and maybe bake up some yummies!

Sunday, March 27, 2016

Resurrection Sunday!

Happy Resurrection Sunday to you my friends!!

My morning started off with lovely breakfast that I enjoyed with my family, including one of my married sister, Harmony and her new husband, Adam.
They joined us for church, after which they went home. My other sister, Haylee and her husband, Christopher joined us after church for lunch, along with a few friends. It was a nice time of fellowship and plenty of laughs!

I am now with my four younger siblings and Mother, out on a drive, adventuring in Alaska! Not sure where the roads will take us this evening but it's raining out and with giggles in the vehicle, it's promised to be a nice evening!! 

Thursday, March 24, 2016

What a busy Month...

Wow! Can you believe March is almost completely over?? I sure can't!
January through March are "supposed" to be the quieter months for me but this year has proven that all wrong!

I was just thinking how I haven't done a February review of blogging and I realized I hadn't posted anything yet for this month! My apologies, time has gotten away from me.

In less then a week I leave for a vacation and conference in Seattle and then Georgia for a total of 2 weeks! I'm so excited and busy getting ready ;)

With this weekend being Easter, pastries waiting to be baked, a trip coming up and lots of business excitement, I will have some posts coming up! Keep watching, I promise I'll be around more!!

Until then, have a blessed evening.

Friday, March 4, 2016

One Month To Go...

Friends, I am so excited!! One month to go until I am in Rome Georgia!
So excited for some fellowship with creative women, time with God, learning new things and lots of fun.
I have been waiting for April since last May when I discovered Pursuit and can't believe it's nearly here!!

Looking forward to sharing my trip right here with you :)

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Follow along!

Hey Friends!

Well, I've done it. I've officially started a Instagram account and I have to tell you, I'm loving it!
I didn't expect to love it so much, in fact I was expecting a photo world of selfies and insignificant posts. However, it's quickly becoming a new favorite haven! So much inspiration and a wonderful way to connect with people who share the same interests!

I'd love it if you came and followed along for this crazy journey we call life!
You can find me @shields_hannah that's where I'll be posting photos that combine all my passions and show a glimpse into my life. If you've enjoyed what you've read here on Timeless Treasures, then you'll definitely want to follow along on Instagram for more inspiration!


Saturday, February 20, 2016

40 days

Today begins a 40 day journey for me. I'm calling it my 40 days of purposing to be purposeful. It goes back to my January challenge and the words I feel like I was given for this year. "Purpose" & "Purposeful"

There's really no structured plan for these 40 days. Just a challenge within a time-frame (I leave on a trip on the 30th of March so it ends just in time) to be a better version of who I am. Who I am in Christ and who I aspire to be in my future. My prayer is that I will grow to aspire only the things of the Lord. 

I've tried structured plans, I've tried schedules and although I love schedules, I wanted to do something a little less formal this time around.
My challenge simply is to live each day with purpose. To do better for myself spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
Sharing more smiles with strangers, reaching out a helpful hand, watching what I eat, waking up with a positive attitude and having purposeful devotions.

Keep watch here on Timeless Treasures to catch some of my journey. I don't imagine I'll be sharing everyday but I'll definitely share the highlights!!

What are you challenging yourself with?